Thursday, September 3, 2009

Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day

Well, just as I was about to sign off the internet for the night, a friend sent me the link to the new trailer for the second installment of the amazing Boondock Saints.

If you have yet to see it, go here and watch it for yourself:
Boondock Saints II All Saints Day Trailer

Upon first glance, I was thinking this was going to be awesome! I mean I absolutely love the first one and when I heard they were making a second one I really couldn't wait! Then as I was watching the trailer, I began to realize that this was not the same caliber as the first Boondock Saints. Something about it just seemed off.

So, I decided to wait a moment (come on here and write a short blog about it), then re-watch the trailer again. This time, however, I came to terms with the differences, and realized that this actually really could be a freakin' fabulous film! I mean I love these guys! And seeing them with their awesome gun skills again is always something to treasure, lol ;). And the slow-motion shot of the four of them walking with their sunnies (it's my Australian term that I promised I would bring to the states) is pretty bad ass =).

So there it is, my two minute brief review of the trailer... but what are your thoughts?? Could this really be as amazing as the first??

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